0372 363 9770  The Homestead, Three Leys Lane, Fenton, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 9HF.

NEBOSH Environmental Certificate- Classroom

NEBOSH Environmental Certificate- Classroom

Developed by NEBOSH, the Environmental Management Certificate supplies content, which is practical, while providing a rigorous course that equips candidates to effectively deal with environmental management daily.

Benefits for Employers

Strengthen your brand by demonstrating your commitment to environmental management and environmentally friendly practices

Improve environmental practices and management across your organisation.

Benefits for Learners

Develop Environmental Management skills applicable to a variety of industries.

Contribute to your organisation’s decisions regarding the environment and how their practices may impact it

Who is the NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate course suitable for?

Typically, candidates who undertake NEBOSH environmental training have a responsibility for managing environmental issues as part of their work. However, it is also suitable for anyone who wishes to start pursuing or advancing a career in environmental management.

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

How long does the NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate take?

The NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate will involve a total of 34 taught hours, 25 hours private study and 8 hours on assessments.

When studied through classroom, virtual classroom learning or in-house, the course is 5 days.

Course Programme

The NEBOSH Environmental Certificate is comprised of two units of study: EMC1 and EMC2.

Unit EMC1 – Environmental Management (Open Book Examination)

  • Element 1: Foundations in environmental management.
  • Element 2: Environmental management systems.
  • Element 3: Assessing environmental aspects and impacts.
  • Element 4: Planning for and dealing with environmental emergencies.

Unit EMC2 – Assessing Environmental Aspects & Associates Impacts (Practical Application)

  • Element 5: Controls of emissions to air.
  • Element 6: Control of environmental noise.
  • Element 7: Control of contamination of water resources.
  • Element 8: Control of waste and land use.
  • Element 9: Sources and use of energy and energy efficiency.
  • Element 10 Fire.
  • Element 11 Electricity.


The NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate is assessed in two parts:

In Unit EMC1, candidates are assessed by an online written examination that they have 24 hours to submit. Within it, candidates must demonstrate their knowledge gained through the course.

Unit EMC2 features a practical assessment, which is carried out at the candidate’s workplace. The practical assessment must be submitted within 14 days of the exam date booking.

A unit certificate is issued denoting the achievement of each unit.

After that, a certificate award parchment is issued upon the completion of both units.

If you are booking the classroom course, your exam cost will be included within the price.

Exam dates are set by NEBOSH and can be found on our ‘book a NEBOSH exam’ page.

Please note: All course materials and certificates will be sent via post. There will be an additional charge if booking outside of the UK.